
We constantly promote a learning culture among our partner-clients and partner-providers

Below are some downloadable references that you may be able to use to help optimize your benefits programs in your organization.

Case Studies

Risk Management and Safety Systems
Risk Management and Safety Systems In Practice

When Risk Management and Safety Systems are effectively implemented in the enterprise, the organization is able to predict, prepare, and manage all operational and business risks. It allows the company to manage risk through a single channel and effectively craft strategies and make decisions that are data-driven and positively impactful to the business.

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A Case Study on Strategic Relationships
Why finding a partner provider that has old school customer service matters in the 21st Century

More and more, people want to be 21st century. The rise of tech and with everyone forced to be online under work-from-home conditions, have prompted questions on what does it actually mean to be 21st century?

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Making healthcare a priority for  business sustainability
Making healthcare a priority for business sustainability amidst COVID-19

Now is the time to take a look at the connection between healthcare spend and the value it brings to your business by making employees well and helping them cope with such challenging times both physically, emotionally and mentally.

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A Case Study on Total Employee Benefits Programming
Outsourcing can mean integration, not disengagement

Often, outsourcing some aspects of operations, especially when it comes to human resource management and employee benefits, gives the impression of a disengaged management team.

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People Managers
Invest in People Managers

It’s often said that people leave due to bad managers. This could be the same for people managers. And what companies or its employees fail to ask is if these people managers are provided with the tools and skills to do their jobs well?

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Happy Employees
Does hybrid working make a company more attractive?

Hybrid working arrangements can vary according to time commitments, work types, worker categories, and location-flexibility, and it’s worth noting that employees are aware of the benefits for each and that there is an urgent need to come up with a proper hybrid work structure and channel strategy–because hybrid work is definitely here to stay. Are our organizations ready? or even better, is the C-suite ready?

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Employee Experience
The Evolution of Employee Experience: A Competitive Advantage

The new ways of working not only proved to be challenging for employers. Employees also found themselves in a new era of workplace disruption, a world with hybrid working models, and communication problems. Some of these employees lasted. Some didn’t–to the point that the Great Resignation happened. It’s a worldwide phenomenon that everyone, most especially organizations, became very concerned about.

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Company Purpose
Does your company's purpose resonate with your employees?

From the rise of social networks to noisy organizations and to prioritizing people in the midst of a pandemic, businesses are seeing another new shift and challenge in terms of managing internal communications. If last year was all about refocusing efforts to benefit employees’ wellbeing, this year is about how businesses should be looking into ways to preserve it.

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Navigating The Now Normal with a Flexwork Framework

Because a big part of the decision making process is employee-centric, companies can expect the benefits of financial gains, productivity improvements, and employee engagement and retention, particularly when Flexwork is executed seamlessly and systematically. But before you decide to implement and make flexible work a part of your culture and operations, there are several factors that companies must take note of to ensure that the Flexwork is a fully defined and scaled process in order for it to be effective and to avoid the possible pitfalls along the way.

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Leveraging and Embracing Flexwork

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses have learned to value and prioritize employee experience, and many have grabbed this opportunity to finally do their employees right. The flexible work arrangements have been put in the spotlight, and they are seemingly meant to stay.

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Communication and Engagement
Communication as Key Driver in Work Engagement

By designing and cultivating communications and messaging that excite, engage, and inspire, an organization is able to foster a meaningful employee experience. Especially during challenging times in all kinds of businesses, there is a need to craft and amplify an inspiring story that would help employees feel good about their professions, so the positivity and the drive can be radiated to everyone associated in the company–from customers to shareholders.

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Inclusivity and Diversity
Inclusivity for Diversity in the Workplace

Many businesses ask, “Has Covid-19 changed workplace benefits forever?” At this point, with the constant flux of change, on one knows the answer. However, there’s a better and more concrete question we can ask, which is: “Has Covid-19 changed workplace benefits for the better?” Well, most likely.

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Value Based Rewards
The Workings of Values-Based Rewards

Retention efforts are not like they were in the pre-pandemic era. If business leaders think pre-pandemic rewards like compensation bonuses and recognition programs are the only necessary ways to keep employees, they will fail miserably. These are not ordinary times. Applying broad and generic solutions won’t work anymore. Business leaders need to identify rewards that provide a more meaningful experience to people, and those would be rewards that are values-based and would, at the same time, promote a sense of belonging and well-being.

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Equipping Leaders
Equipping Leaders To Be Brilliant

What’s a leader? Some people would say that a leader is somebody who helps and guides his or her people to be their best selves and to do their best work to reach company success. Others could expand the definition to be somebody who provides direction for the people while striving to maintain a level of performance and motivation. In a sense, both are correct.

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Improve Employee Experience
Reimagining the Employee Experience

Every business’ key to success roots back to people. Without people, every product and service, patent and trademark will have little to no value. But what some businesses may overlook is the fact that “people” do not only mean the customers that have the purchasing power to keep the business profitable or, at the very least, running. Businesses should be all about serving people beyond customers. They need to be mindful about their employees, too. Employees are the people that actually execute and do what it takes to make a business successful, making them every business’ most important asset.

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Pandemic Era Benefits
Pandemic Era Benefits that are here to stay

When businesses initially set up their work from home systems at the start of the pandemic, only a few imagined that they would still be implemented a year after. Despite a few challenges, the shift in the workplace benefits has not only shifted dramatically but is expected to be here to stay.

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Empower Your People
Unleash the power of your people

Since the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses have struggled in keeping employees engaged. They have been taking sick leaves often; they have been lacking in initiative and interest; so on and so forth. When these happen, employers must understand certain drivers of employee engagement, and make sure they are met.

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Corporate Mental Health Support

Experts say we were in the midst of a mental health crisis even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit most of the world in 2020. The past two years expedited that foreseen crisis, and possibly even worsened it. In fact, the World Health Organization reported that although 89% of countries mentioned that mental health and psychosocial support are part of their COVID-19 response plans, only 17% of these countries have the full funding for them.

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Mental Health
Silver Lining amidst COVID 19 -- Responding to Worker Struggles

Two years of COVID-19 has definitely altered the way we live our lives -- especially to those who have been work-from-home all this time. We’ve narrowed down five of the most prevalent shifts brought about by COVID-19 that every company or employer must take note of.

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Voluntary Benefits
Voluntary Benefits: An Employee Engagement & Retention Strategy That Works

The employee and employer dynamics are changing. In the Philippines, we have seen that employers are now looking into initiatives that answer more than direct financial returns and basic core benefits to attract and retain their top employees. Specifically, more and more companies are now investing in and expanding their employee benefits in ways that are relevant, competitive and innovative.

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Employee Engagement
Global Survey Talks about the Future of Employee Engagement Post-Pandemic

Post pandemic- An important question for businesses, big and small: How can they foster an environment where their employees are motivated enough to stay committed and perform during tough economic times associated with the pandemic?

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To replace or transform? Every leader’s human resource dilemma amidst the COVID-19 pandemic

If we need to manage our costs, is cutting out people your first choice? As an HR practitioner, I would throw caution to this knee-jerk reaction. Investing and developing people costs money, not to mention the cost of executive and managerial time in ensuring inculturation of your human capital. If you have invested strategically in your people, you have to think twice (or even thrice) before cutting anyone out to ensure good bottomlines for your organization.

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Leading with Kindness and Compassion can be Learned!

“IF YOU TRAIN YOUR BRAIN, YOU CAN CHANGE.” This was one of the key messages two weeks ago by Dinah Salonga, Yogaplus Managing Director, thought leader on management, entrepreneurship, yoga, and energy healing, as she led an exclusive roundtable conversation with over 50 C-level officers at “Mindful Leadership: Leading with Kindness and Compassion,” in partnership with, PhilPacific Insurance Brokers & Managers, Inc. (Philinsure)’s flagship platform for risk protection and benefits programming for corporations and SMEs.

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Telehealth now more than ever
Why Telehealth Matters Now More Than Ever

It comes as no surprise that, in the light of the global health crisis that the COVID-19 pandemic has wrought, several industries have found themselves scrambling for ways to stay alive. Practically nothing could have prepared the world for the debilitating effects the pandemic caused globally. Aside from lives lost, the world experienced an unprecedented overall economic shutdown, as national governments tried to keep the coronavirus from spreading.

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Sustaining the Workforce Amidst COVID-19
Sustaining the Workforce Amidst COVID-19: What products are out there to help you out

Almost a year since COVID-19 changed the life of every Filipino, the virus remains a threat and in increasingly different ways. When quarantine measures began to be implemented in March 2020, businesses started halting operations, and people holed up in the safety of their homes.

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Rise of Working From Home in the Pandemic Age
The Rise of Working From Home in the Pandemic Age

Traditionally, the notion of working or reporting for a job in the Philippines entailed leaving ones home, getting into a car or using public transportation, going to an office from 9 a.m., and heading back home by 5 p.m.

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News Articles

Covid19 Immune Boosters
Easy Yet Practical Immune Boosters for Workers Amid COVID-19

Whether or not you are working from home, it’s important that your immune system stays in tip-top shape considering the spike in the numbers for COVID-19. There are hundreds of researches and tips online that detail what preventive measures one must take, so we’ve made it easier for you by narrowing down the simplest but practical ways that you and your household can take to strengthen your immune system.

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Mind Over Matter
Education as a crucial step: Mind Over Matter Webinar a Success

The recently concluded webinar of entitled 'Mind Over Matter: Thriving Amidst a Pandemic' was a major success. Over 350 participants attended representing a wide variety of industries including the education sector, health sector, government, non-government organizations, SMEs as well as the country's largest corporations. The webinar aimed to inform and educate the participants on some considerations to ensure a holistic approach to wellness including care for mental health.

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Maximizing Employee Productivity With 2 Easy Steps!

How many of you spend 75% of your working time being productive? How often do you get to accomplish every goal on your to-do list for the day? Have you ever experienced that classic 2pm energy slump? When it becomes tough to be efficient and motivated at work, it’s important to remember that productivity comes from the management of every aspect of life and not only from setting goals.

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Rock Your Comms - BNFTS
Rock Your Internal Comms

Even in the day and age of technology where everybody has access to information, on-demand updates are received through a press of a button, where there is a culture of over-sharing, many HR managers still get this bit of the execution wrong. Worst, this ultimately affects employee engagement, retention and even employer branding.

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Ways to Enjoy a Virtual Christmas Party (Part 1)
Ways to Enjoy a Virtual Christmas Party (Part 1)

Everybody knows that Filipinos get bitten by the Christmas bug once September sets in. Christmas plans inevitably begin to take form and unravel. But, with almost everyone staying at home, for practically half the year, missing work, missing school, missing parties... PARTIES (!), you cannot help but think what will become of the most awaited party of the year: the office Christmas party?

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Ways to Enjoy a Virtual Christmas Party (Part 2)
Ways to Enjoy a Virtual Christmas Party (Part 2)

Anyone hosting an office Christmas party would want the employees to fully enjoy themselves. Total enjoyment happens when a party is well-planned. It is no different if you intend to go virtual on your party this year. A plan or a program is still a must-have. Now, what makes a party a PARTY(!)?

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BFNTS Resource - Return To Workplace
Tips for Return-to-Workplace Planning

Do you have a plan in place for your employees as you slowly return to the workplace? We've created a phase by phase plan for you to help make your adjustment easy and effective.

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