February 04, 2022

Communication as Key Driver in Work Engagement

In a world of 100 unread emails and low-resolution Zoom calls, there’s no doubt that the level of communication in the workplace can be low and even borderline dreadful. But now more than ever, as companies grapple with digital ways of communicating and strategizing, companies must be more cautious and meticulous, because it turns out that the quality of communication and the messages being delivered can significantly affect the workplace especially with regard to how engaged it is. Therefore, communication is an integral and potent drive of company success.

By designing and cultivating communications and messaging that excite, engage, and inspire, an organization is able to foster a meaningful employee experience. Especially during challenging times in all kinds of businesses, there is a need to craft and amplify an inspiring story that would help employees feel good about their professions, so the positivity and the drive can be radiated to everyone associated in the company–from customers to shareholders.

Companies should make an effort to engage employees whether or not they work from home. This means setting up better communication tools that can easily connect them. However, it doesn’t stop with the tools. Designed to be more than mere conversations, an effective communications strategy is more than just its medium. It shares four more characteristics:

  1. Highlight and engage people with internal corporate and leadership messages

    They are some of, if not the most, important content to be shared at this time. This allows everyone to be aligned with the company’s goals and direction, because if people don’t know where to go and if they have vague definitions of the company values, they end up working ineffectively.

  2. Empower people to participate, collaborate, and innovate

    Employees don’t become robots when they log in their work hours. Being able to communicate and make them feel welcome, to express their uniqueness, talent and individuality, and to share ideas with their peers can boost employee morale. This kind of culture, especially when everyone is in on it, allows for easier ways to collect and disseminate information and get a real sense of what is working or not.

  3. Allow people to connect on a human level

    Maximizing connectivity is good, but to be able to utilize it on a more personal level is even better. It builds trust between people and it fosters goodwill, especially when person-to-person communication is rare these days. 

  4. Measure and deliver insights on the effectivity of the communications

    To prove the value of the communications strategy and messaging, it’s important that results and data are present. Ask employees for insights or include internal analytics tools that are easily available in platforms.

A basis of any healthy relationship, even one with the employer and employee involves good and effective communication. At this point, companies must aim to put employees in their priority list and focus on their satisfaction. Because if people are informed and engaged enough to do the right thing in their own professions, then so are you!

Want to improve your organization's employee experience? Send us an email at [email protected] and we'll schedule a free consultation and/or workshop that will support your employee engagement initiatives!


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