December 24, 2021

Inclusivity for Diversity in the Workplace

Many businesses ask, “Has Covid-19 changed workplace benefits forever?” At this point, with the constant flux of change, on one knows the answer. However, there’s a better and more concrete question we can ask, which is: “Has Covid-19 changed workplace benefits for the better?” Well, most likely.

Covid-19 has disrupted how businesses operate internally, and it has highlighted the importance of inclusivity. Inclusivity in the workplace is more than just being welcoming and fair to employees day to day. It is where every person’s uniqueness, differences, and needs are taken into consideration, and inclusivity has become a primary concern in most businesses because they have learned that promoting this value helps employees reach their fullest potential. It has immense implications on employee engagement, productivity, motivation, and even loyalty, and is proven to be a driver in employee and organizational health as it reaches deep into every employee’s physical, emotional, financial, and career well-being. In conclusion, the focus on inclusivity has pushed businesses to think outside of the box when it comes to strategizing employee benefits and providing better experiences to their workforce.

More and more businesses are moving in the right direction and are restructuring programs to support every employee’s unique circumstances. Below are some of the changes that are being implemented or being explored:

  • Expanding the policy for leaves directed to diverse family and individual models. More than maternity pay enhancements, more businesses are looking into enhancing paternity leaves or pays. An existing trend is one that lets people take care of their families and their communities. Businesses look into compassionate leaves for relatives with a serious health condition, moving house days, and charity days.

  • Voluntary benefit plans are becoming even more essential. These are optional benefits that can be deducted from the payroll for things like emergency savings schemes, tuition reimbursements for education or additional course expenses, for vehicle plans, housing plans and the like.

  • Better packages for life insurance and pension benefits for spouses and civil partners.

  • Wellness programs to encourage a healthier lifestyle for everyone are being integrated in the workplace. Mental health sessions and gym memberships are some of the programs or benefits that employees would appreciate even without them saying so.

Employees these days are becoming smarter, more ambitious and more meticulous about how their well-being is being cared for. When businesses do decide to start a more inclusive rewards strategy, it is highly advisable that they do their research about their own employees, and also be smarter and more strategic about the personalization of their benefits.

Want to improve your organization's employee experience? Send us an email at [email protected] and we'll schedule a free consultation and/or workshop that will support your employee engagement initiatives!


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