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Learn from our Successes

People Managers
Invest in People Managers

It’s often said that people leave due to bad managers. This could be the same for people managers. And what companies or its employees fail to ask is if these people managers are provided with the tools and skills to do their jobs well?

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Happy Employees
Does hybrid working make a company more attractive?

Hybrid working arrangements can vary according to time commitments, work types, worker categories, and location-flexibility, and it’s worth noting that employees are aware of the benefits for each and that there is an urgent need to come up with a proper hybrid work structure and channel strategy–because hybrid work is definitely here to stay. Are our organizations ready? or even better, is the C-suite ready?

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Employee Experience
The Evolution of Employee Experience: A Competitive Advantage

The new ways of working not only proved to be challenging for employers. Employees also found themselves in a new era of workplace disruption, a world with hybrid working models, and communication problems. Some of these employees lasted. Some didn’t–to the point that the Great Resignation happened. It’s a worldwide phenomenon that everyone, most especially organizations, became very concerned about.

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