June 10, 2022

Does hybrid working make a company more attractive?

The pandemic has pushed forward two things:

  1. Conversations about how employers interact with their people, and
  2. Actions between employers and employees that involve trusting each other especially during a period when companies have fully integrated hybrid work in one way or another

Hybrid working arrangements can vary according to time commitments, work types, worker categories, and location-flexibility, and it’s worth noting that employees are aware of the benefits for each and that there is an urgent need to come up with a proper hybrid work structure and channel strategy–because hybrid work is definitely here to stay. Are organizations ready? or better yet, is the C-suite ready?

In the State of the Sector 2022, Gallagher Employee Experience experts discuss how the “Process / Ways of Working” is the biggest area of change that companies are dealing with at the moment. But the report also states that organizations are far from reviewing their channel strategies. In fact, only 1 in 5 internal communication teams have completed their reviews, and most are still in the process of it.

Hybrid working is a strategic priority that the C-suite should be acting on because, in effect, it may give a higher chance of talent attraction and retention. This is a theme that internal communication professionals should explore, and in particular, the adaptation of digital and technology into departments and practices. This is most especially beneficial to those that have built a framework for a hybrid set-up, because the impact of living and working in the same space can be taxing to mental health. There needs to be a people-first strategy to balance out work and life, and to serve as a guide on how to be productive and efficient outside of traditional channels.

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