December 17, 2021

Maximizing Employee Productivity With 2 Easy Steps!

How many of you spend 75% of your working time being productive? How often do you get to accomplish every goal on your to-do list for the day? Have you ever experienced that classic 2pm energy slump? When it becomes tough to be efficient and motivated at work, it’s important to remember that productivity comes from the management of every aspect of life and not only from setting goals. 

In this article, you’ll find a simple yet practical 2-item checklist that could help you reach peak productivity.

  1. Ergonomics

Employees who are physically comfortable get to work better, and one way to get there is through ergonomics, the science and process of designing a workplace for the goal of creating a safer and healthier environment that is more conducive to efficiency. 

Compared to the typical environments and workstations that could be clinical or substandard, designing ergonomic workplaces have proven to improve the focus of workers especially when it is personalized to them. When ergonomics is taken lightly, there are more chances for workers to experience fatigue, discomfort, and pain, and in the long run, this would be more costly and less sustainable to companies.

Some simple ergonomic solutions are providing equipment, furniture, tools, and spaces that fit every individual worker’s needs and concerns. Promoting mental insight and physical health helps to improve the mood, increase engagement and morale, and eliminate hazards that ultimately lead to higher quality work and an overall happy workplace.

  1. Eating Healthy

It’s been proven time and time again how eating well does more than just contributing to fitness and reducing the risk of illnesses. Eating well can also increase productivity. But what does “eating well” really mean? It means following a healthy eating pattern that consists of the optimal number of calories for your body, and a variety of nutritious food and drinks. 

However, at work, professionals barely give much consideration to food as a way to stay energized and motivated. But the fuel that employees take in affects them and their cognitive performance more than anyone can imagine. It can be as simple as staying hydrated or not skipping breakfast. It can be taking Omega 3s for brainpower or cutting down on saturated fat and sugar. Every time that someone chooses the healthier option is a step to boosting creativity and happiness.

Given this, more and more companies implement initiatives to improve the nutrition of their staff. This may include health awareness orientations, an overhaul of their pantry or cafeteria options that prioritize better food and healthy drinking water, and the like. Because if everyone has access and starts making healthy eating the first option, achieving top workplace performance is even more possible.

At we pride ourselves with our capability to deliver benefits programs with people-centered outcomes such as better health and more engaged and productive teams. Do you feel like you want to do more to keep your employees engaged? Book a free consultation with our team by sending us an email at [email protected] 


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