November 04, 2021

Silver Lining amidst COVID 19 -- Responding to Worker Struggles

Study 2: Silver Lining amidst COVID 19 -- Responding to Worker Struggles  

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, workers were accustomed to a daily routine: 9 to 5 behind a desk on weekdays, heavy commutes to begin and end the day with, as well as downtime with friends and families on the weekends or even after work. These routines kept us at a certain life pace, mostly simple, while some causing slight exhaustion in between, but generally tolerable. 

Two years of COVID-19 has definitely altered the way we live our lives -- especially to those who have been work-from-home all this time. We’ve narrowed down five of the most prevalent shifts brought about by COVID-19 that every company or employer must take note of.

  1. Family dynamics

Most employees, no matter what age group they are in, typically live with their families. In an age of quarantines wherein families are forced to deal with each other, almost every waking hour, the much-needed sense of independence and the time for solitude can be rare. A lot of tension and major stress can arise within the household. The key takeaway is that, while it’s important to stay connected, it’s also important to have time for one’s self. The most important thing to navigate through a challenge like this is: good communication and compromise.

  1. Careers and finances

One of the biggest crises of the pandemic was that plenty of workers lost their jobs and some entrepreneurs lost their businesses. It’s an economic upheaval that can become depressing for those unemployed and facing high levels of poverty. 

Meanwhile, for those lucky enough to keep their jobs, there were different struggles experienced. While there are plenty of pros with having a lot of the businesses resorting to work-from-home arrangements (e.g. no more brutal commutes and low overhead costs in maintaining a virtual office), this may also lead to higher levels of anxiety and stress on employees, depending on personal situations at home. Moreover, the pandemic, in itself, has pushed some workers to rethink their career paths, wanting to make sure they live the rest of their lives fulfilled and doing what they believe they are meant to do. 

  1. Social life

Depending on the living/working arrangements of employees, COVID-19 has had varying impacts on relationships and friendships. This may be a negative case especially for those who live alone or who have little access to activities that they can engage in. Even for introverts, there’s such a thing as too much isolation. For some, the pandemic has strengthened bonds between friends due to being able to spend ample time or as simple as appreciating it.

  1. Loss of loved ones

The bereaved families of the pandemic’s victims are some, if not the most, affected and vulnerable. Losing someone in the family or in their close circle of friends affects a worker’s overall disposition, his or her day-to-day activities, and is highly likely to result in anxiety, stress, and depression. 

  1. Self-care

Covid-19 has had a considerable impact on the well-being of workers to the point that it’s changing the wellness industry. The world at large, or at least those who can afford it, are investing more time in self-care that goes beyond just spa visits and regular facials. The wellness landscape has seen a rise in proactive and preventive healthcare disruptors from healthier eating and meditation for mindfulness, to stress reduction and fitness. People are understanding more how practicing self-care can help alleviate the distress common in this pandemic.


These changes are polarizing, but definitely and undoubtedly challenging. However, no matter how bad the situation, there is always some kind of solution or idea that can see people through tough times. This is exactly what the Silver Lining Hopeline is. If you see mental well-being as important to you, your company, and its culture, this service offered by BNFTS in partnership with e-BI Solutions, gives workers the opportunity to be guided or supported properly under these disruptive times.  The Silver Lining Hopeline helps workers find their path to improvement and growth amidst COVID-19 through peer support, with the promise of dedicated and professionally trained Hopeliners who are just an SMS or a call away, essentially serving as an extension of your company’s HR.  Accessing the Hopeline helps employees continue to have the mental strength necessary to keep productive and stay motivated at work, at home, and in every aspect of their lives. For more inquiries, send an email to [email protected]


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