
Harness the power of employee benefits for your company

Bnfts is your expert partner in developing employee benefits strategies that effectively maximize employee engagement and satisfaction.

Discover How

One of the country’s leading brokers for 20+ years

Helping companies maximize their investments in Benefits, Insurance, Risk Management and Communications since 2000.

  • 160,000 employees engaged

  • Only broker with national presence in key CBDs

  • PhP5B client claims successfully resolved

  • Trailblazing with 2 risk management firms under its wing

  • Philippine representative of AJ Gallagher, the 4th largest insurance broking firm in the world


People at the center of our work

Your people are your assets and our primary concern. We take our assessment of your people’s needs seriously and make sure that we address those needs at every stage of the strategy development and implementation.

Your business goals drive us forward

At Bnfts, we don’t stop when our tasks are competed or when the day is over. We continue to move forward until all your business goals are met.

100% Client Commitment

The times may be modern but we stay true to our decades old client-first brand of servicing. We are committed to our client 100% no matter the situation. Using our expert network, we believe we can face any challenge and succeed.

Our field of work

Employee Benefits

Develop a strong Employee Benefits Plan that works for your business and business goals.

Risk Analysis & Management

Assess your areas of risk and defend your business from unforeseen circumstances that derail growth.


Protect what matters in the business. From people to property, there is an insurance product that can cover for you.

Ready to take advantage of Bnfts?

Schedule a free benefits consultation or risk audit with us and learn how you can improve your benefits strategy to increase employee engagement and benefits satisfaction.

Get the latest news & insights

People Managers
Invest in People Managers

It’s often said that people leave due to bad managers. This could be the same for people managers. And what companies or its employees fail to ask is if these people managers are provided with the tools and skills to do their jobs well?

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Happy Employees
Does hybrid working make a company more attractive?

Hybrid working arrangements can vary according to time commitments, work types, worker categories, and location-flexibility, and it’s worth noting that employees are aware of the benefits for each and that there is an urgent need to come up with a proper hybrid work structure and channel strategy–because hybrid work is definitely here to stay. Are our organizations ready? or even better, is the C-suite ready?

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Employee Experience
The Evolution of Employee Experience: A Competitive Advantage

The new ways of working not only proved to be challenging for employers. Employees also found themselves in a new era of workplace disruption, a world with hybrid working models, and communication problems. Some of these employees lasted. Some didn’t–to the point that the Great Resignation happened. It’s a worldwide phenomenon that everyone, most especially organizations, became very concerned about.

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Proud partners of

Gallagher Communication
RiskIntegrate, Inc.